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Spring Clean Your Fuel Tank

fuel delivery to clean fuel tank

Spring is right around the corner, bringing the opportune time to clean and perform maintenance checks on storage tanks. As temperatures change, especially in unheated, above-ground storage tanks, water contamination and microbial growth can become issues.

Biodiesel blends are also subject to glycerin fallout. This is similar to the way paraffin wax molecules drop out in conventional diesel fuel in cold temperatures. However, you can take steps to make the transition.

Open the Tank

A prudent first step is to check the bottom of the storage tank. You need to remove any glycerin/wax fallout, particulates, or other impurities from the tank. This is particularly important in older tanks recently converted to hold biodiesel blends. Biodiesel is a natural solvent and loosens particulate buildup and diesel fuel impurities remaining in the tank.

Take Samples

Biodiesel blends have a recommended shelf life of six months. However, fuels like FS Dieselex® Gold, which contains an oxidative stabilizer, have a longer shelf life. Tanks that have not had timely turnovers should have samples pulled from the bottom, middle, and top.

After the fuel has had ample time to settle, perform a visual inspection. Look for signs of water, particulate matter, or cloudiness to determine the appropriate action to take.


Assess the condition of the filtration system and make any necessary adjustments. A 10-micron microglass filter is best for all concentrations of biodiesel blends. Pleated paper filters are not compatible with methyl esters (biodiesel). We recommend the Bio-Tek® filter line by Cim-Tek® for both renewable and conventional fuels.

Combating Contamination

The tank is clean and free of impurities, the filtration system is in good condition, and spring is here. Here are some tips to keep fuel clean and contaminants out.

Be diligent about routine maintenance.

Check fill caps on storage tanks and machinery to be sure they are in good condition and fit tightly. We recommend using Pre-Vent Fill Caps by Cim-Tek for storage tanks. A faulty cap can be an open door to water and bacteria.

Keep storage tanks and implement tanks full.

This leaves little room for condensation in the tank when ambient air temperatures change. Biodiesel is slightly more susceptible to water contamination than diesel fuel. Blend biodiesel with a base fuel like FS Dieselex Gold, which contains a moisture-control additive, for ultimate protection.

Perform regular checks for microbial growth.

Like conventional diesel fuel, biodiesel blends easily absorb moisture from the air, creating an ideal environment for microbial growth. Routine checks using an in-field microbial test kit help detect problems early to keep operations running smoothly.

Know the biodiesel supplier and what type of quality control program is in place.

A good program should start with fuels that meet or exceed the recently updated ASTM D6751 specification. The FS Biodiesel Quality Assurance program requires even higher specifications on the key components that affect operability. This includes total glycerin, water, and sediment content; cloud point; and filtration.

A fuel management program with the goal of saving time and money should always include a good “spring cleaning.” Adopting these practices will help make your operations flourish this spring!

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